Queerograd: Ausgestattet mit der Ideologie des edlen Leibes
Brut Wien – Konzerthaus 27.05 19:00, 28.05 18:30, 29.05 18:00
Queerograd is a platform-format oscillating between serious discourse and trashy politainment where hetero-normative matrix, identities and identity constructions, gender and societal relations, leftist perspectives and radical globalism are debated in theory as well as in performative practice. queerograd does not regard itself as a lesbian-gay wellness oasis but attempts to ask precarious questions in relation to preconceived gay-lesbian images. The brut festival-special “Ausgestattet mit der Ideologie des edlen Leibes” (Equipped with the ideology of the noble body), among other things, examines the relationship between gays and fascism, not only from the victim’s but also from the offender’s perspective: is there an essential correlation between male homosexuality and fascism?
The three-day festival offers a practical exploration of this topic, ranging from amusing to heavy in nature. After the “heavy discourse” in the early evening by Vienna and Berlin-based theoreticians like Gerhard Scheit, Ljiljana Radonic, Astrid Hanisch, Marcel Wolters or Karina Korecky, different positions, fragments, variations and contradictions concerning (homo-)sexuality, the production of masculinity and fascist ideology will be examined. Afterwards, the programme will range from the lecture-performance Mein Camp by toxic dreams to concerts by singing Popeye Rummelsnuff, Djane Teutonia feat. Didi Bruckmayr and a camp rock show with Nin Cim Poop feat. Bulbul. As a side-show there will also be the Sadomaso-Schmuddelecke Club Homohölle while late at night DJ-lines by Rhinplosty and others will provide some good tunes.