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Opportunities: Mittelyoung Opencall (Udine, Italy) Deadline – 16/02/2022

Opportunity: Mittelyoung Opencall
Where: Udine, Italy
When: 12/15-05-2022
Deadline: 16/02/2022
Online Application:
Fee to Participate or Apply: Free

Description Of Opportunity:

At its second edition, Mittelyoung path starts again with an open call for Italian, Central-European and Balkan projects of theatre, music, dance and multidisciplinary/circus, examined by a group of curators (curatores) under 30, appointed by Mittelfest in cooperation with Associazione culturale Arearea, Associazione culturale Circo all’incirca, Associazione culturale Quarantasettezeroquattro, Civica Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Nico Pepe, Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe Tartini in Trieste, Conservatorio Statale di Musica Jacopo Tomadini in Udine, Fondazione Luigi Bon, University of Trieste and, in addition, Associazione giovanile Robida, Collettivo i cinque soli, Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono, Scuola di Danza Erica Bront. For 2022 we also thank the international collaboration of the Carinthischer Sommer Music Festival (Austria) and SNG Nova Gorica (Slovenia).

In 2022, 27 countries are involved: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Ukraine.

The projects must be in line with Mittelfest 2022 theme Imprevisti (The Unexpected): “Here is the unexpected, which prepares where our eyes do not notice, even if they see, where our ears do not listen, even if they hear, where our body pretends nothing happens, even if it is in the middle of events. Like playing cards that, face down, hide their secret, the unexpected is such only for us, surprised at its occurrence: yet, once it has arrived, it is possible to unravel the thread of its causes, to reconstruct its slow preparation over time. In the meantime, however, we are already grappling with its effects, with what new, for better or worse, it has left us.”

Among the applications submitted, under the coordination of Mittelfest artistic direction, the group of curatores will select 9 projects to be showcased from 12 to 14 May in Cividale del Friuli and on 15 May 2022 in Gorizia.

Afterwards, among those 9 projects scheduled in mid-May, the same group of curatores together with the artistic direction will further select up to 3 shows to be re-scheduled during Mittelfest Imprevisti (The Unexpected) (22 – 31 July 2022).

New for 2022 is the collaboration with the under-30 section of the Carinthischer Sommer Music Festival (July-August 2022). Find out more about their call.

How To Apply:

Contact Email:[email protected]

These posts are not affiliated with Contemporary Performance Network, but are of interest to our community. We post these with the caveat to check the sources and research the opportunities or views expressed in the posts.

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