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The course combines an analysis of case studies and an immersion into movement-based techniques with a number of creative tasks designed to provide an…
Opportunity: international open call for artists - LMDP Lmdp Festival Internazionale Di Teatro, Arte E Nuove Tecnologie 2022 Where: Spazio Domosc,cag…
The open call LIVE WORKS includes creative residency periods for the selected projects. LIVE WORKS sees performance as a work space, and as an instrum…
Delivered by Independent Dance in partnership with Trinity Laban and Siobhan Davies Studios, MA/MFA Creative Practice: Dance Professional enables expe…
The STUDIO2 of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) - a work and research space for the independent performing arts in Berlin-Kreuzberg - will of…
Open Call The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s most time-honored media arts competition. Winners are eligible for the coveted Golden Nica awards…
Running all year round since 2002, the residency programme is at the heart of PACT Zollverein’s day to day work. Open to professional artists from hom…
ACT is an annual festival that for the duration of four days brings together around a hundred participants and guests from around the world. The festi…
For its fifth edition, hungry eyes festival is once again looking for artistic works that situate themselves at the intersection of film, performance …
De Structura is looking for young (ages 21-30) artists, art professionals, designers and culture workers operating within the fields of visual and per…
For 2022 -2023 The Performance Project @ University Settlement is calling for dynamic artists who are ready to engage, connect, and co-create with our…
Mitu’s Hybrid Arts Lab supports trans, non-binary, and women artists working at the intersection of performance and technology. With a focus on early …