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Open Calls

As part of the encuentro CONTINUO LATIDO AMERICANO DE PERFORMANCE 2020, Latinoamérica Extendida: Europa (Latin America Extended: Europe) invites Latin…
Opportunity: Choreographic Convention V: Movement Research, Sofia Where: Goethe Institut-Bulgaria / Online When: 10th and 11th of October 2020 Deadli…
Opportunity: Call for submissions Ensemble Ouvert Where: Worldwide, based in Canada When: Rolling admissions Deadline: Rolling deadline Online Applic…
Opportunity: the Incurable Caravan's Online Car Show Where: Online (Virginia, USA-based) When: May 2020 Deadline: December 1st, 2020 Online Applicati…
Opportunity: Open Call For Women Artists Where: Berlin, Germany When: 2020- Deadline: 23.09.2021 Online Application: [email protected] Fee t…
Opportunity: Convocatoria Abierta · Apèl Louvri · Open Call · Appel Ouvert · Open Oproep (Puerto Rico) Where: Puerto Rico (open to the  Caribbean isl…
Art in Odd Places (AiOP): NORMAL, curated by Furusho von Puttkammer, invites proposals for its sixteenth annual public art and performance festival ta…
Artists, musicians, poets, performers, and creative citizens are invited to participate in ARTICA 2020 Eternal Return, a multi-media, outdoor arts fes…
Opportunity: OPEN CALL CAOS 2021 Where: Turin (IT) When: January / April 2021 Deadline: 30th September 2020 Online Application: https://www.officinec…
Opportunity: project grants for performances on "dignity and receptivity in times of distance keeping" Where: Germany, Europe When: Start August, 1st…
Opportunity: CROSS Award Where: Italy When: from january 2021 Deadline: 15th september 2020 Online Application:…
Opportunity: Aerowaves #Twenty21 Open Call Where: Elefsina, Greece When: 6 - 9 May 2021 Deadline: 16 September 2020, at 12:00 CEST Online Application…