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Featured: Master Calendar for Festivals and Performances in January (NYC)

The NYC January performance festivals are upon us. COIL 13 starts today. If you haven’t downloaded our APAPP to organize on your iphone or android (or you don’t have a smart phone), we’ve supplied our master calendar below. This calendar contains the schedules for Under The Radar, COIL 13, American Realness, Other Forces, Prototype Festival, La MaMa Performances, NYLA’s Live Artery, and a few Independents. If you haven’t downloaded the free app you are missing out on OK Radio,, festival video and updates, agrigated tweets of all the participants, and blog posts from Culturebot, Culturebytes, Performance Club, and full intergration via twitter and facebook to connect to other performance goers and makers in the whirlwind of performance happening the next two weeks. download the app below or use the embedded calendar to save to your ical or other desktop calendars. There are a few different views (month, week, day, agenda, and poster board) and you can view by category (each festival is its own category)

Get The App!

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Caden Manson is a director, media artist, and teacher. He is co-founder of the media ensemble and network, blog, and publisher, He has co-created, directed, video- and set designed 18 Big Art Group productions. Manson has shown video installations in Austria, Germany, NYC, and Portland; performed PAIN KILLER in Berlin, Singapore and Vietnam; Taught in Berlin, Rome, Paris, Montreal, NYC, and Bern; the ensemble has been co-produced by the Vienna Festival, Festival d’Automne a Paris, Hebbel Am Ufer, Rome’s La Vie de Festival, PS122, and Wexner Center for The Arts. Caden is a 2001 Foundation For Contemporary Art Fellow, is a 2002 Pew Fellow and a 2011 MacDowell Fellow. Writing has been published in PAJ, Theater Magazine, and Theater der Zeit. Caden is currently an associate professor and graduate directing option coordinator of The John Wells Directing Program at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Drama.

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