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Opportunities: Open Call – New Settings Grant From The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès (Worldwide) Deadline – 07/01/2018

Open Call – New Settings Grant From The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès (Worldwide) 2019
Deadline: 07/01/2018
Online Application:
Fee to Participate or Apply: FREE

Description Of Opportunity:

With New Settings, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès supports each year the creation and diffusion of new performance works. The chosen projects all feature crossovers of some kind or another: playing on the porosity of the boundary between performing arts and visual arts, their creators experiment with original and unusual forms.

A series of imperatives has guided New Settingssince its inauguration in 2011: to listen to the concerns and needs of artists and back them at every step of their journey, from the studio to the stage; to support original writing and unexpected forms, and the artistic daring of the creators of each project, be they seasoned artists or young talents; to encourage encounters and crossovers by visual artists looking to develop their actions and gestures in the spatiotemporal context of the stage, and by performing artists seeking to integrate a plastic dimension into their practice.

The productions supported by New Settings are selected through an annual call for projects that is addressed to artists worldwide, as well as through discussions held with the various partners of the programme. The Foundation accompanies projects from their production phase onwards and proposes performance dates with partner institutions in the Ile-de-France: the Théâtre de la Cité internationale, the Festival d’Automne in Paris, the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, the Théâtre de la Ville and the Centre Pompidou. Some projects are also presented in the United States thanks to the Foundation’s links with the FIAF-French Institute Alliance Française in New York.

Taking a close interest in the creative process, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès is also eager to share these works with a broad public and to facilitate their understanding and appreciation. It is with this in mind that each year the Foundation commissions a special critical supplement from artpress magazine that explores the season’s New Settings programme and is distributed free of charge at performance venues.


How To Apply:


You are submitting an application to the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès for participation in the New Settings programme.

New Settings supports hybrid performing arts projects rooted in potent dialogue with the visual and/or digital arts. The programme supports productions exploring innovative audience engagement and interaction, at the crossroads of artistic vocabularies and disciplines. Often, the supported projects take a fresh approach to the theatrical environment, developing new ways to make use of the space of the stage, objects, sound and the body.

The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès is committed to the highest artistic standards while remaining sensitive to artists’ needs in a spirit of complete openness to new theatrical forms.

Selected projects will be supported through their production phase, until their presentation on selected dates proposed by the Foundation and its partner cultural institutions in Paris and the broader Paris region, for the autumn 2019 season.

The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès has formed a partnership with the French Institute / Alliance française (FIAF) to bring selected shows to the annual Crossing the Line Festival in New York, under the New Settings banner.

Your application must fulfill the following criteria:

  • The visual arts dimension of the performing arts project must be dominant. To do this, the project can be:
    • the result of a creative collaboration between one or several performing artists and one or several visual artists (in the framework of a new collaboration)
    • a work by a performing artist or a visual artist, on condition that the author(s) is committed to:
      • a piece that mixes performing arts and visual arts,
      • a visual arts piece brought to the stage,
      • a performing arts piece including a visual arts problematic.
  • The author(s) can make use of digital technology.
  • The project must propose new ways of working in the process of creating the piece and/or in its relationship to the public.
  • The project must be designed for an audience of at least 100 people.
  • The piece must be ready for its premiere between the months of January and December 2019.
  • Performance art created for exhibition spaces is not eligible.Your application must include the following information and elements:
  • The completed project identification form.
  • A presentation of the work.
  • A presentation of the artistic team.
  • The production budget (expenses and revenues).
  • Costs for between two and five performances.
  • Confirmation letter(s) from confirmed partner(s).
  • Tour schedule (confirmed and prospective dates).
  • For performing artists, a video of their two most recent productions.
  • For visual artists, a file presenting their previous projects.

Conditions for sending your application:

Applications must include each of the elements demanded for application, compiled in the order specified above, in a single PDF document.

Please upload your completed PDF application file by pasting a single WeTransfer link in the “Applications” section of the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès website:

Video files will be accepted as separate attachments in the WeTransfer link (but candidates are encouraged to include online video links in their application).

It is recommended to avoid files exceeding 15MB.

The deadline for receiving applications is 12 p.m. on July 1, 2018.

Candidates are advised to take into account the time needed for electronic transmission in order to ensure the arrival of their application before the date and hour limit.

The Foundation cannot be held responsible for the late reception of applications due to technical or computer problems encountered by the candidate.

Calendar for the 9th edition (2019)

  • March 6 to July 1, 2018: submission of applications

  • October 2018: results announced

  • Autumn 2018 – Autumn 2019: support of project

  • September – December 2019: performance of the supported projects in Paris or the Paris region.

  • September – October 2020: performance of a selection of New Settings projects at the Crossing the Line Festival, in a dedicated showcase highlighting the New Settings programme.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What address and contact details should I provide on the form?

    Please provide contact details for the producers of the production you are submitting for support as part of the New Settings programme. Individual contact names are at the discretion of the artist/author or the project’s main producer. Please ensure you provide complete, current postal addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

  • I’m a young artist and not much of my work has been produced and shown in public. Can I apply?

    The New Settings programme accompanies “emerging” artists as well as established ones, in France and internationally. We invite you to visit our website to see which artists have been supported in the past.

  • Should I indicate the amount that I wish the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès to contribute in my production budget?

    Yes. Your production budget should include all the costs involved in mounting your production (the expenses). Next to this you must list your provisional financing plan (the revenues). The amount that you are requesting from the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès should be clearly indicated in the second part.

  • Is the Foundation’s support for New Settings projects capped per project?

    The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès gives made-to-measure support. Each project is thus supported according to its needs and its economic overview, within the resources of the programme. This is why it is important to provide us with a detailed production budget with the amount of support that you are requesting in the “revenues” column.

  • My project doesn’t involve Parisian partners. Can I apply?

    Yes. If you are selected and you do not have a partner in the Paris region, the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès will offer you performance dates in the autumn of 2019 at one of our partner cultural institutions.

  • Must I reserve the show’s premiere for New Settings?

    No. The premiere of the selected productions can be with another of the project’s partners, in France or abroad.

  • If my project is selected for New Settings, will I definitely be putting it on in New York?

    Only a few of the New Settings projects are presented each year in New York. The choice of productions presented as part of the Crossing the Line Festival is the fruit of a constant dialogue between the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès and the FIAF – French Institute Alliance Française. It may also involve projects supported by previous editions of New Settings.

  • Must I send videos of entire productions or are extracts sufficient?

    We encourage you to send two versions of each video when this is possible: the recording of the entire show and a trailer. We believe that it is easier to immerse oneself in the work of an artist when it is possible to see their works in their entirety. We recommend that you send these videos in the form of links.

  • How can I track the progress of my application?

    The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès guarantees to contacting all candidates by telephone, or by post. It is essential that you provide your complete, current postal address, telephone number and e-mail. All candidates for the current call for projects will be notified by late October 2018.

  • Who to contact if I am having trouble while submitting my application?

Should you require assistance submitting your application, please send all questions to We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note all questions must be submitted prior to July 1, 2018.

Contact Email:

Photo: Ola Maciejewska, “BOMBYX MORI” © Martin Argyroglo




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