Opportunity: Festival
Where: Rematia Theatre, Athens, Greece
When: September 2020
Deadline: 03.04.2020
Online Application: https://emeis.net.gr/our-festival-6-open-call/
Fee to Participate or Apply: 0
Description Of Opportunity:
Our Festival’s coordinating team invites all artists from all different art spectrums to submit proposals regarding their participation to Our Festival 6, which will take place in September 2020 in Chalandri Athens at Rematia Theater.
Our Festival is available to all professional artists or artistic groups able to collaborate in a spirit of solidarity.
This institution due to the devotion of the artists participating, manages to grow larger every year. On its first breakthrough in September 2015, the festival presented 45 artists who created and presented 6 activities to 600 viewers. Today, 5 years later, Our Festival has presented 99 performances and events to over 8000 people with the participation of 492 artists.
Our Festival, pursues in providing each artist with an interesting recital, with the opportunity of doing so by providing the necessary means. Simultaneously the production of the festival is managed and coordinated by the same artists that participate. Professional artists present their work/ performance, while actively supporting the institution of the festival, the rest of the actions being presented but most importantly show their support to their colleagues. Thus, the community of Our Festival, has the ability to present to the public, an artistic event of the finest quality.
Our Festival’s ultimate aim is, to bring together all these innovative people, resulting in the formation of artistic and personal bonds between them, therefore creating long-lasting cultural partnerships.
“Four hands are always better than two,
Eight hands are better than four,
And sixteen are better than eight… ”
Company: “Εμείς” (“We”) -Collective Culture Group
Artistic Director: Christos Thanos
Executive Producer: Christos Papamichael
Organising team: Nikos Axiotis, Maria Thrasivoulidi, Melissa Kotsaki, Nadia Peristeropoulou,
Eleanna Stathopoulou, Christina Stouraitis, Dimitra Syrou.
Contact: [email protected]
Accessibility Support: www.liminal.eu
Social Media: Facebook – Instagram
Our Festival 6 will take place during the first days of September, as part of the “Rematias Festival” with the support of the municipality of Halandri.
Rematia Theater and all the events of Our Festival will be accessible to artists and spectators with disabilities.
We provide: space, technical equipment and financial support.
How To Apply:
Contact Email:[email protected]
Website: emeis.net.gr
* required

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