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This is one of the Body Instruments designed by Adriano Clemente for his project Kin-Hackt. This performance is one extract from the "Composition for…
The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International and the Migros Culture Percentage are looking for artistic projects that are dealing with RETOX.. The Fes…
网上直播”街道介入”的表演www.dimancherouge.org这一期的"红色周日"(Dimanche Rouge)非常独特,因为它将运用一种在世界各个同城市街道介入的行为表演形式。 "红色周日"邀请各个城市的居民参与这些在街头巷尾介入的行为表演。所有参与者将同时做相同的动作。这些动作将被拍摄下…
Dimanche Rouge #7 Special Streaming Edition on August 21, 2011Confirmed Cities / Villes Confirmees / Подтвержденные городов / 确认的城市Paris, France / Kie…
****VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS**** ****РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК НИЖЕ***** DIMANCHE ROUGE, SPECIAL EDITION #7, August 21, 2011 Live Streamed Street Interventions…
Last July 2010 we launched Contemporary Performance Network and since then we have grown to over 2200 members. The network is alive and active with co…
****VERSION FRANÇAISE CI-DESSOUS****DIMANCHE ROUGE, EDITION #6, July 17, 2011A Sunday of experimental live performanceswww.dimancherouge.orgJuly 17, a…
AUDITION Performers and Dancers PS.122 in collaboration with Columbia University are presenting Davis Freeman’s critically acclaimed work Too Shy to …
Big Art Group will perform the balloon sacrifice action (from SOS) at BANZAI!!!!! this Saturday May 28th, 2011. Catch us if you can!   BANZAI!!!!!Art …
Good Performance documentation is an art form. This week until Friday May 13, 2011 we are running a contest for the network member with the t…
This week until Friday May 6, 2011 we are running a contest for the network member with the most facebook likes on an image. The member with the photo…
Call for Submissions: Between the Seas Festival of Mediterranean Performing Arts August 29-September 4th 2011 at the Wild Project, NYC EXTENDED DEADLI…