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Opportunity: Online Workshop "Performance-based Filmmaking - The Nature of the Poetic Image in Motion and its Performativity" Where: online When: Jul…
ArtUniverse can offer scholarships of up to 90 euros and to receive it fill in the form: Your applic…
Understanding our being in relation, in as many ways and directions as possible, is a material, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, erotic and politic…
Opportunity: Online course "Performance Art: From Idea to Execution" Where: online When: June 7-28, Tuesdays 6-8pm CET Deadline: June 5, 2022 Online …
This online course is devoted to one of the most pertinent cultural trends of the present: immersion and its technologies. It addresses central questi…
Opportunity: Online course "Rules of the Game: An Introduction to Task-based Performance Art" Where: online When: May 2-23, Mondays 6-8pm CET Deadlin…
Biennale College 2022 will continue to be a forge, a workshop in which to lift and remove the veil of Isis. A welcoming place to support young creator…
Each week of the course will have a specific thematic focus and exercises will be proposed to the participants to engage with and we will be performin…
The course combines an analysis of case studies and an immersion into movement-based techniques with a number of creative tasks designed to provide an…
Every year, danceWEB offers participation in all workshops, research projects as well as attendance at all performances of the ImPulsTanz festival plu…
The French conceptual artist Sophie Calle, whose projects are often led by her ‘rules of the game’ (a set of predetermined instructions), suggests tha…
This course addresses feminist performance art through the lens of the art historical and the contemporary, with constant consideration of how histori…