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Featured: John Jesurun (NYC, USA) October 5th, 2009 JOHN JESURUN is a playwright, director, designer living in New York. His presentations integra…
Jack Smith: Cologne, 1974 Exile Ausstellungsraum Alexandrinenstr 4 October 10 - November 1, 2009 [singlepic id=193 w= h= float=left]The exhibition…
John Jesurun is writer, director and multi-media artist, based in a New York, USA. His work Chang in a Void Moon is a live serial running since 1983, …
Digest: News for the week of September 28-October 4, 2009 Books: Digital Performance – A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and…
The Theatre of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio chronicles four years in the life of an extraordinary Italian theatre company whose work is widely recognized…