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The Course, which is free of charge, is part of the Societas Institute for Research and Applied Art, which brings together all the theoretical and emp…
Opportunity: 2024 6th Stray Birds Dance Platform SELECTION Open Call Where: Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center – Experimental Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan …
Developing and maintaining an active email list is a crucial strategy for keeping your audience informed about your latest projects, upcoming events, …
Maintaining an up-to-date CV is essential for every artist. Treat it as a living document you maintain as you go, keeping a Google Doc or Word documen…
In a world filled with the constant noise of social media, news, and competing media, making a genuine connection based on the values of your work and…
In the fast-paced world of social media, it’s essential to build a platform that is centered on your work, fosters community and supports the broader …
Opportunity: Open Call Where: Thessaloniki, Greece When: Nov 2024 - Jan 2025 Deadline: June 30th 2024 Online Application:…
Opportunity: TWAIN_direzioniAltre 2024 AWARD Where: Supercinema Tuscania, Via della Scrofa, Tuscania, VT, Italia When: 24th August 2024 – 25th August…
The Prague Quadrennial invites submissions for its symposium on 'Technologies' in performance design, set for October 16-17, 2024, in Prague. Proposal…
Art in Odd Places invites applications for their 2024 CARE edition, a public art festival on NYC's 14th Street from Oct 18-20. Curated by Patricia Mir…
Opportunity: Solo Dance Contest Where: Klub Żak, Gdańsk, Poland When: 26-30.08.2024 Deadline: 17.05.2024 Online Application: https://www.gdanskifesti…
The M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2025 invites artist proposals by March 8, 2024, for a January event. No fee required. Seeking responses to current gl…