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Open Calls

Open Call - Franklin Furnace Fund 2018-19 ((New York)) 2018 Deadline: 04/01/2018 Online Application:…
LIVE WORKS Performance Act Award_Vol.6  (Dro, Italy) 7th – 22rd July 2017 10 Day Production Residency + 1500 Showcased in the 38th edition of the Drod…
The International Contemporary Dance Festival of Mexico City FIDCDMX, 2018  presents the first international contest for mature contemporary dance sol…
PERFORMANCY FORUM: CIVIC REFLEX Organized as/by Brooklyn International Performance Art Foundation (BIPAF) and Panoply Performance Laboratory (PPL) as …
Interim: a Journal of Poetry and Poetics is publishing a special themed issue in April on the body. We are seeking works that use multimedia and poetr…
This call is aimed to select three shows to be included in the wider programming of the sixth edition of Totem Arti Festival 2018.…
Springback Academy 2018: Dance Writers Wanted! (Sofia, Bulgaria) Friday 23 to Sunday 25 March Deadline: 02/02/2018 Online Application: http://aerowave…
WomenCinemakers 2018 - Biennale for women filmmakers and artists (Berlin, Germany and New York City, USA) From February 2018 to December 2018 Deadline…
Call for Submissions: Highways Performance Space & Gallery (Highways Performance Space & Gallery, Santa Monica, CA USA) July-December 2018 Dea…
We invite you to visit our website and submit your proposals for performances, workshops, site specific projects, video dance pro…
How do I look? (United Kingdom) February 2018 Dead Line: 01/01/2018 Online Application: Fee to Apply: FREE Descr…