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Scenic Mutations: Transmediality, Postproduction and Metamorphoses In The Chilean Contemporary Theatre by Raúl Miranda We were recently sent a lin…
Scenography - the manipulation and orchestration of the performance environment - is an increasingly popular and key area in performance studies. This…
Lastest Contemporary Performance Posts: In Performance: Jeremy Wade's Creature Feature #10 (Berlin, Germany) Featured: MGM (Brooklyn, NY…
Trust the Process Whether in painting, poetry, performance, music, dance, or life, there is an intelligence working in every situation. This force is…
Situation—a unique set of conditions produced in both space and time and ranging across material, social, political, and economic relations—has become…
Materializing New Media: Embodiment in Information Aesthetics (Interfaces: Studies in Visual Culture) by: Anna Munster In Materializing New …
This anthology is the first to be dedicated to assessing critically the role of the human sensorium in performance.  Senses in Performance pre…
MICHEL MELAMED is a poet, writer, director and performer of The Brazilian Trilogy (Regurgitophagy, Free Money and Musicman) and author of the self-tit…
The theorists of art and film commonly depict the modern audience as aesthetically and politically passive. In response, both artists and thinkers hav…
Emily Roysdon A Gay Bar Called Everywhere (With Costumes and No Practice) The Kitchen (NYC) Friday and Saturday, May 6—7, 2011 Roysdon wi…
1. Can you tell us a little about your work, your history and your performative concerns. I'm Natasha, 20 years old. My first contact with the arts…
Week in Review Blog Posts Top Content Top Video   Support the Network and look good doing it! …