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No performance’s land? Three days Conference & Performance CRIA Lisbon, 15-17th April 2011 IUL (Lisbon University Institute) Culturgest …
Genevieve Belleveau (b. Bemidji, MN USA ) currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. She studied visual art, voice and theatre at Bennington College. She explor…
We had another busy week on the network with over 100 members joining us! We started discussions of the book Entangled: Technology and the Transforma…
[amazonify]1403961700[/amazonify] For more than forty years, Tadashi Suzuki has been a unique and vital force in both Japanese and Western theater, cr…
Tom Sellar, Editor of Theater Magazine discusses the journal's inception, notable special issues, the journal's editorial vision/direction, and what h…
[amazonify]0415773539[/amazonify]Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture addresses what may be the single most important question facing all kin…
6F3SBUQ29E4 About: (From the website) The letter begins: “An Anthology of Optimism is a pre-emptive celebration of a critical optimism we tenta…
Sounding New Media examines the long-neglected role of sound and audio in the development of new media theory and practice, including new technologies…
Long before e-mail and the Internet permeated society, Roy Ascott, a pioneering British artist and theorist, coined the term "telematic art" to descri…
We've added a few books on new media and technology to our curated books page. [table id=1 /]…
Intermediality: the incorporation of digital technology into theatre practice, and the presence of film, television and digital media in contemporary …
About: [amazonify]0262524643[/amazonify]The desire to move viewers out of the role of passive observers and into the role of producers is one of the …