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Contemporary Performance

Bruce Nauman’s latest exhibition ‘Days’ is a sound installation that comprises of fourteen flat panel speakers playing the sound of seven different vo…
New Original Works Festival REDCAT August 2 - 4 [caption id="attachment…
Each year we updated the design of the blog to keep up with current technology and to better serve the information to you. We just updated the design …
Contemporary Performance Update - August 6, 2012Welcome to this weeks Network Round Up. We've gathered the top most viewed, liked, and commented on me…
Ingmar Bergman's Persona the company should be called August 2 - 4, 2012 @ 8:30pm August 4 & 5, 2012 @ 4pm Here Arts Center [caption id…
The Athens-Epidaurus Festival in Greece, founded in 1955, has grown into a major cultural force in Europe since 2006 when the visionary Artistic Direc…
27 Gnosis, 2012 activated installation dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel Mud, clay, mother-of-pearl, assorted materials Performers: Ieva Misevičiūtė, J…
From the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection  In association with the Mostly Mozart Festival August 3 – September 9, 2012  The lar…
Kelly Copper and Pavol Liška of Nature Theater of Oklahoma have launched OKRadio from their closet radio studio in Long Island City (NYC). During thei…
[amazonify]3934344089[/amazonify]Bert Neumann, chief set designer at Berlin's Volksbühne since 1992, grew up in East Berlin, studied stage design at t…
Open Call for Performances-as-Theories Extension THE NEW DEADLINE IS AUGUST 15 Through this Open Call, four performances/theories will be se…
The Light Surgeons (London, England) The Light Surgeons operates as a multimedia production company from a base in east London, producing a wide vari…